Steps to offset carbon emissions
offsetting projects to compensate for unavoidable carbon emissions. Offset solutions
carbon offsetting is one way to balance the unavoidable greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions we produce.
Our team can tailor a carbon offset solution to align with your brand values and support your environmental outcomes.
Treehugger / design by amelia manley carbon offset programs let individuals and businesses offset their environmental footprint by paying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions elsewhere. While this may sound complicated, the programs on our list make it easy by offering user-friendly calculators and seamless online transactions. Plus, these platforms connect users with important projects like reforestation efforts and renewable energy development in communities across the planet. With less reputable programs, there is a possibility that offset funds won’t go to an actual offset project. To protect customers, the best carbon offset programs only work with projects that are certified by third-party organizations.
A carbon offset is a reduction or removal of emissions of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases made in order to compensate for emissions made elsewhere. Offsets are measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent (co2e). One ton of carbon offset represents the reduction or removal of one ton of carbon dioxide or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases. Offsets are viewed as an important policy tool to maintain stable economies and to improve sustainability. One of the hidden dangers of climate change policy is unequal prices of carbon in the economy, which can cause economic collateral damage if production flows to regions or industries that have a lower price of carbon—unless carbon can be purchased from that area, which offsets effectively permit, equalizing the price.
) to allow for the creation of offset credits that can be traded in the carbon market and used to meet compliance obligations under the cap and trade program. The regulation allows ontario to issue offset credits to individuals, companies and organizations for eligible initiatives that reduce or avoid greenhouse gas emissions, or remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, and that follow rules in the regulation and in an approved protocol. Ontario currently has three approved protocols for greenhouse gas reductions at eligible landfills, coal mines and for the collection and destruction of ozone depleting substances ( ods ) now that the regulation is in force, and the three protocols are in place, applications to register landfill gas, mine methane capture ( mmc ) and ods initiatives can be made.
Can carbon offsetting solve climate change?
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Greenfleet is a 25 year old not-for-profit organisation and australia’s first carbon offset provider. For a quarter of a century, we have committed to protecting our climate by restoring our forests. We plant native biodiverse forests in australia and new zealand to restore critical ecosystems and capture carbon emissions on behalf of our supporters. Our forests are legally protected, absorb carbon from the atmosphere, improve soil and water quality, and provide vital habitat for native wildlife. Our partnerships with local communities and traditional owners support broad benefits for the country and communities in which we live and work. Join us by offsetting your carbon emissions or donating to take effective and practical action on climate change.
Many companies use offsetting to appear environmentally friendly, even when their whole business is based around burning fossil fuels. Airports like heathrow and airlines such as easyjet offer a carbon offsetting service, allowing passengers to pay to plant up to 12 trees per month. Oil giant bp runs a target neutral programme which incorporates a range of offsetting projects, including protecting forests in brazil. Tree planting is frequently lauded by companies such as shell and bp as the answer to the climate emergency. Forests are one of our best lines of defence against climate change and restoring them is crucial, but this can’t be a substitute for reducing carbon emissions directly.
Individual Carbon Footprint Calculator
Calculate your carbon footprint quantify the greenhouse gas emissions from your household, travel, or business. Offset your footprint with native carbon offsets purchase carbon offsets through our carbon calculators or our quick purchase tool.
There are many ways that you can calculate your carbon footprint. (we offer some resources below. ) if finding alternative means of travel and adjusting your lifestyle aren’t enough, you might consider investigating carbon offsets. As techtarget explains , an individual or company calculates their emissions level, and someone who coordinates carbon offsets, known as a “broker,” then adds up a monetary value based on that level. The broker will then invest a portion of that money in a project that reduces carbon emissions. For example, an individual may take a flight that will release a certain amount [of emissions] into the atmosphere.
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. By simply participating in modern society – eating, working, shopping, building, traveling – we generate an unavoidable carbon footprint that cannot be eliminated through individual lifestyle choices alone. It has become necessary that, in addition to making our personal footprint as small as possible, we go beyond to participate in ground-breaking emission reduction technologies that accelerate the global transition to a low carbon, sustainable economy. Carbon offsets are one such solution - a convenient and effective way to reduce global greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions beyond what we can achieve through individual lifestyle choices.
What is carbon offsetting?
Various standards exist for third party verification of voluntary carbon offsets, with the major ones being: (a) verified carbon standard : (also known as verra) is a non-profit organisation which develops and produces standards in voluntary carbon offsetting of greenhouse gases. (b) voluntary gold standard : the gold standard is a not-for-profit organisation based in geneva which sets requirements for designing carbon offset projects to ensure maximum effectiveness in line with un sustainable development goals (sdgs). (c) quality assurance standard : (qas) independently audits carbon offset products and programs against the highest standards world-wide.
Carbon offsetting schemes are a popular way for people and companies to achieve a net-zero carbon footprint. Once people have measured their carbon footprint , and looked at ways to reduce their carbon usage; carbon offsetting schemes can be used to help achieve their carbon goals, and reach net-zero. There are only three carbon offset providers in the uk that have a focus on delivering carbon offset schemes in the uk. Our research excludes companies and charities that purchase offsets from third-parties and where carbon offsetting may be ancillary to other initiatives. 1. My carbon plan www. Mycarbonplan. Org about: the only not-for-profit on the list - my carbon plan aims to plant 100,000 trees each year in the uk and create new woodland.
Future of the Environment
Forestry projects (reforestation) atmospheric carbon dioxide forms the overwhelming majority of global greenhouse gas emissions, and for a long time, has been known to play a significant role in climate change. That said, forestry projects are among the most effective solutions to climate change as forests play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Forestry projects lead to carbon removals, enhance the health and well-being of the environment by avoiding deforestation, managing forests in a more sustainable way, and restoring ruined land to forests. Renewable energy projects renewable energy plays a key role in cutting carbon emissions worldwide.
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